Commemorating Law Day 2024


Superior Court of Fulton County, along with our other Justice Partners and the Arts & Culture Department, came together to recognize this year's theme, "Voices of Democracy". 

Law Day began in 1958, when President Dwight D. Eisenhower issued a proclamation establishing it to celebrate and commemorate the United States Legal System and its contribution to preservation of justice and human rights. Law Day provides an opportunity for the citizens of Fulton County to learn and cultivate a respect and understanding for the law, which is vital to the democratic way of life.


The theme for this year's Law Day, "Voices of Democracy," holds profound significance as we strive to create a fair and inclusive society for all. It is a reminder of the ongoing journey to ensure that every individual has equal access to a just and impartial legal system, regardless of their background or circumstances. The theme calls for our collective action and involvement. Each of us has a role to play in promoting a legal system that ensures equality and justice for all. Whether it is through advocating for meaningful legal reforms, supporting legal aid services, or simply upholding the principles of fairness and equity in our daily lives, we all have the power to make a difference.