Business Case Division-FAQ


The Business Case Division Judges all have experience with and training in business cases. Additionally, by utilizing Senior Judges, who only hear Business Case Division cases, and Active Judges, who block time specifically for Business Case Division cases, your case is assured to receive the timely attention that it needs.

Yes, the Civil Practice Act applies.

Yes. The Business Case Division Judges have all of the power and authority of any Superior Court Judge.

Cases are generally reviewed on five different factors to assess whether the case raises a sufficient amount of damages, is grounded in business law issues, and is sufficiently complex. These factors include the following: (1) number and nature of the parties (i.e. individuals or business entities); (2) likely complexity of the legal issues (what are the primary claims and counterclaims, if any, in the case); (3) likely review of documentary evidence (i.e., what type of file is this case likely to produce); (4) amount in controversy (this prong looks at the value of direct damages, special damages, and equitable claims);and (5) the likely role and number of dispositive and other motions anticipated in the case.  

No.  Eligible cases must be approved for transfer into the Business Case Division by a committee of active judges from both the Fulton County Superior and State Courts.  The process for evaluating a transfer may be initiated by a motion from a party or parties or by request of the assigned judge.